During the next weeks the implementation of YoParticipo will be carried out for the use of all the students of the Faculty of Information and Communication (University of the Republic).
The action takes place in replacement of the old platform eParticipa (although this name will remain), which is also part of a line of research within the house of studies.
The tool allows the generation of debates in a simple environment through user login (Facebook / Gmail) within a space specifically dedicated to such function with greater appeal and confidence in its use.
The experience that YoParticipo will grant will be a novelty for the start of the 2018 generation courses, which will be the second “native” generation that has an electronic participation platform from the beginning.
Another consideration, not minor, is the coincidence with a new electoral cycle within the University. Teachers, graduates and students will vote their representatives in the co-government in May, so it is expected the emergence of debates on the matter.
In order to coexist, a regulation was created, which is in the repository of the application, in order to improve the experience and provide a rewarding experience. The reading prior to the use of YoParticipo assumes that these rules are understood and accepted. – in FIC – UdelaR.